Send Mail

Command Prototype

bRet = Outlook.SendMail(account,arryTo,strTitle,strContent,strFormat,arryAttachment,arryCC,arrBCC)

Command Description

Send a mail to the specified email address, and return true if succeeds, return false if fails

Parameter Description
Required Parameter
account--The sender's email address, must be the same as the email address bound to Outlook
arryTo--Address of destination mailbox
strTitle--Message title
strContent--Message body content
strFormat--Message format
arryAttachment--Message attachments, can be an array of multiple paths to attachments, or a string of the path to an attachment
arryCC--CC email addresses, can be an array of multiple email addresses, or a string of a separate email address
arrBCC--BCC email addresses, can be an array of multiple email addresses, or a string of a separate email address
bRet--The variable used to save the output of the function call

results matching ""

    No results matching ""